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Wrist Tendonitis Syndrome

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Wrist Tendonitis Syndrome, more commonly referred to as tenosynovitis, is a common musculoskeletal medical condition suffered by many throughout the world. It’s typically caused by inflammation of the tendons which surround the wrist joint, although more recent studies have shown that the primary cause of wrist tendonitis is tissue damage due to collagen degeneration. Click on the active link for more information on tendonitis of the wrist.


man using watch The most common signs of wrist tendonitis are, of course, pain in the wrist when conducting everyday activities like carrying bags or opening jars. But you may also see swelling or bumps around the wrist, as well as feel a sort of oppressive sensation when you try to move your wrist (crepitus). A thorough examination by a competent physiotherapist is needed to diagnose wrist tendonitis. And usually, X-ray imaging is used to rule out other common wrist conditions like arthritis and bone fracture and see how severe the condition is.

Causes of wrist tendonitis

There isn’t a commonly agreed upon cause of wrist tendonitis, and many evidence regarding possible risk factors is hotly debated. But, there are several lifestyle factors which can make it more likely for an individual to develop wrist tendonitis. And this will be the first place a physiotherapist will look at when trying to resolve the condition in his patient. Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online

Lifestyle factor

The biggest lifestyle factor is overuse and overexertion of the wrist, whether that may be through excessive exercise routines or use of poor equipment. Those that do not give themselves the proper time to recover from training sessions or do not conduct sufficient warm-ups before exercise also have a greater risk of developing wrist tendonitis. Genetics may also play a part. Those born with a weaker wrist muscles or tendons may find themselves more predisposed to developing wrist tendonitis. And the same can be said for those with a history of past wrist injuries which weaken the surrounding tendons.

How wrist tendonitis is treated

palm handWhen pain is felt around the wrist, one method of immediate treatment is to apply an ice pack to help cool the inflammation and promote blood flow to the affected area. Once a doctor has diagnosed the condition, the wrist may be wrapped in a splint or a cast to let the muscle rest and reduce the inflammation. Anti-inflammatory medications may be provided to the patient to help manage the pain and stop the swelling. If the condition is more severe, cortisone (a more powerful anti-inflmmatory medication) could be injected at the site of inflammation. And for the most serious cases, surgery may have to be conducted to remove the inflammatory tissue and allow the tendons to move more freely.